

Highscores For The Nihilist on the Classic gamemode
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Personal scores for The Nihilist
Skill Rank Level XP
OverallOverall 2544 867 39,093,041
AttackAttack 3268 69 679,500
DefenceDefence 3403 60 274,050
StrengthStrength 2943 80 2,028,150
HitpointsHitpoints 3485 72 955,126
RangedRanged 4021 46 70,000
PrayerPrayer 2054 60 275,625
MagicMagic 15070 1 0
CookingCooking 13832 1 0
WoodcuttingWoodcutting 295 104 30,086,025
FletchingFletching 13815 1 0
FishingFishing 863 79 1,955,250
FiremakingFiremaking 13807 1 0
CraftingCrafting 11023 1 0
SmithingSmithing 4001 1 0
MiningMining 783 75 1,211,731
HerbloreHerblore 1336 2 124
AgilityAgility 813 72 941,375
ThievingThieving 4643 23 7,000
SlayerSlayer 1539 66 506,131
FarmingFarming 772 50 102,954
RunecraftingRunecrafting 10847 1 0
HunterHunter 1265 1 0
ConstructionConstruction 14542 1 0